Monday, November 16, 2009

Must ... have ... alll of it!

So, I stumbled across this most beautiful of knitwear etsy shops today. I've mainly been of the opinion that knitting for profit is a losing scenario, because knitting is a process-oriented, time-consuming skill. Don't get me wrong, I am a crazy serious knitter, but it's always been a labor of love. People around these parts don't get the idea of paying someone to make a hat or scarf, when they could trot over to Old Navy and get one on the cheap. So hooray, Fringe! Way to make it onto the Today Show with your sweet, sweet cowl.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Obligatory what I'm making for Christmas post

Well, it's the holidays, and once again, we are looking for inexpensive and meaningful gifts for family. This is always a challenge, because a) we are nearly always mostly broke, and b) I never start making Christmas gifts in July, like my mother-in-law. Anywho, this year, I promised myself I would not break the bank on last-minute stuff and things in the frenzy of holiday consumer blah blah blah. The best intentions ...

So here goes: (If you are one of my nieces, please stop reading ....... now)
For my nieces -- there are 5 of them: My awesome talented friend makes hats, and other fascinating hair doodads. Two of little ladies will get something along the lines of this. C'est adorable! My oldest niece will get something like this, because she is now a cheerleader, and those kickers need to be well-maintained.

My sister, another lover of hats, incidentally, will get four (count 'em 4!) of these by me, from my weary, weary hands:

My other sister, gets some housewarmish gifts, because we're spending Thanksgiving with her and her new husband, in their new(ish) house. I'm considering these, or these. Her gifts are still under consideration ...

And then there's the rest of the family, but I'll save that for another post.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New nerd badge!

I was reading the NPR books blog (doesn't that get me the badge?) ... wait there's more! I was reading some smarty-pants-three-books-you-haven't-read-but-should thing, and check it, yo --- I've read two of those books! Woot woot!

And isn't that what the internet is about? Making me feel like a smarty-pants?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

View from the stork's nest

Storks are amazing ... they make some crazy big nests in some super strange and awkward places.
Check it -- link
Image courtesy gari.baldi

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blatant re-blog -- WORTH IT

After a poignant conversation over lunch today with my transatlantic friend and quilt scholar Sue Marks, (scroll down on that link) -- wherein I shared the distinct lack of respect I feel from traditional art media, and she declared the distinct lack of relevant criticism among contemporary quilt artists (I concur), --this exhibition including the legendary Judy Chicago, and focusing on her legacy magically appeared on microrevolt. Serendipity? Perhaps ... or evidence of my connections in the fiber universe?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by swearinglibrarian
L. lost his first tooth. Unbelievable. It's the tooth he was born with, the milk tooth, very rare, very special. I feel old.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pole Bean the Chicken

Pole Bean the Chicken
Originally uploaded by blindbeth67
Spring is in the air, and I am thinking about chicks. I watched this super-awesome PBS documentary The Natural History of the Chicken.
You should watch it, and then go to the Orscheln and get some chickies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Shaun the sheep

I'm trying so hard not to re-blog, and I'm not really sure why, because it's totally 2.0 ... Hmm, I'll think about that one.

Anyway, this was too good not to share. My internet friend over at Weavezine recorded what can only be described as fantastic pre-Ides of March storm coverage including sheep, scissors, shivering, and sweaters. How's that for illiteration?

Image thanks to flickr user Marteinn Brynjólfur

PS. For all your sheepy claymation needs ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The cat's on the counter and I lost the spoon ...

little man's poopin' and the dog's gotta too ...

So, at Casa Graham, we like to make up songs for any occasion. We sing about chickens, and our pets, and how we wish we had some chickens for pets. And speaking of that ... there are these two ladies who do all sorts of crafties and cookin' and such, including raising chickens (!) in town (!!) But I must say, my most-favoritest-and-my-best love of this blog is the dilligent record of fails. So great -- I love it! No one is perfect, although she comes close.

But back to the songs ... and the title of this post. The house is a complete disaster area. I mean, you cannot walk without impaling your foot on a bionicle or miniature knight or dragon. And that's just the kids' mess. I count seven, SEVEN, miscellaneous balls of semi-tangly yarn, within two feet of my bod on the couch. My mother would be horrified. But let me tell you something about a clean house ... it's for suckers. And THIS is a bunch of crap, I just can't get past the mental image of a teeth-clenched June Cleaver scrubbing floors in a twinset and heels. People, I got a life to live, and I ain't gonna spend it cleaning house! (And I think Dolly would agree.)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Breakfast of champions

I made some delicious granola from this book. Then I made granola bread from this book, and look! Doesn't it look delicious? I ate it with jam, and peanut butter, and butter, and ...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What I love about my morning drive

This morning, while hauling the big three out to school, an enormous bald eagle swooped over the minivan. The boys were thrilled! We watched it dive into the winter cornfield and swing back into a spiral above us, empty-taloned. The boys thought maybe it was looking for a mate, or migrating, or hunting rabbits and snakes.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bon jour!

So begins my inauguration into blogging. Onto the inane blather ... so I just watched The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I loved it, and I mean love -- so beautiful to watch, and the music was just startling enough to move me out of the narrative, but then the story itself was so compelling that the music also disappeared. Quite something to behold.
Stephanie Zacharek wrote a great of the movie for Salon.